Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Tom Ridge is a moron. Or is he?

I've searched and searched and searched and I cannot find any video evidence to document what I'm about to tell you but trust me when I say that I heard him (Tom Ridge) loud and clear.

I was watching the Republican National Convention last night when I saw Joe "I Swear I'm a Democrat Even Though None of Them Will Let Me Be One" Lieberman sell his soul to the devil. On an aside, I can tolerate JLie campaigning for McCain and touting his friend's accomplishments. I cannot tolerate him lying to people about Obama. Keep it to what you know, Joe, McCain's ass. (I tuned in 100% during the JLie speech because my man Gonzo lost to Roddick in the Open. It was over quite quickly and pathetically. Gonzo still looked good though. I be Chilean men really know how to woo American, slightly stalkerish, women.)

One of the MSNBC reporters, I think Andrea Mitchell, interviewed Tom Ridge after all the speeches were done. She was asking him about his take on Palin. I can't quote directly without a source, as I'm not that smart, but he basically said that Hillary voters, aka women, will vote for Palin because vaginas will vote for vaginas, regardless of policies.

I think this is what my friend B was trying to tell me when I was still in a sleep-deprived stupor Monday evening. Did McCain really pick Palin because he assumed we would all vote with our lady parts as opposed to our lady brains? I don't think many women who supported Hillary would support an anti-choice woman, regardless of her genitalia. Not to mention the fact that HRC was all about the semi-socialized healthcare and I have yet to meet a Republican who would support such things. (I'm sure they exist, I just don't know them.)

Back to my thesis: Is Tom Ridge a moron? Or is he a truth-teller? Or thirdly, does he have a case of sour grapes over not being chosen as the VP choice and attempting sabotage?

I guess only time will tell...


RanaElizabeth said...

It's tricky. Ridge is a moron, but I really do think that a good part of the GOP/McCain strategists thought that women were that dumb.

I think, though, that a log of women who might be (think twin-sets and suburbia) swayed over to his side by the thought of her vagina, a lot are pissed about her trying to be VP with kids. It might actually hurt them that she's a mother.

Tina said...

God I hope so. Wait - is that wrong? No, no it isn't. If women would vote for a woman just because she's a woman then I hope those same women are pissed that she's "abandoning" her children and either don't vote or vote for someone other than McCain.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Rana. I'm just hoping for the worst case GOP scenario.

If McCain gets sick on the campaign, can you imagine the shitstorm of what-ifs? Point, set, match.

Tina said...

Oooohhh... a tennis reference. Nice. So should we be disease dancing for McCain? Nothing serious, of course. Maybe just dehydration or a bad cold. Just enough to draw attention to the fact he's old and prone to more sickness than a younger, fitter person.

RanaElizabeth said...

Oh, Tina! Why don't I know your email address? Since you're super awesome, I'm assuming you have a Gmail account thus allowing me to send you messages during the Palin speech. And during all the other lovely speeches tonight. The Boy isn't very happy with all my commenting. I need somebody that will enjoy my insights!

The Masochistic Anthropologist said...

Maybe we should hope McCrunchy (no reference to hippies intended here) gets "exhaustion"; hey, it seems to work for the Hollywood set. Let me see, based on what I know of LiLo, exhaustion would land him in the hospital for at least 2-3 days. On another note, it appears changes their UI about every few months. What the crap?