Monday, August 17, 2009

I fucking hate roofers...

Or roof repairers. Whatever. Call me an elitist snob but I Hate Them. It was supposed to take 1 or 2 days (at most). Day 2 was a Saturday. I realized Saturday afternoon that a mirror had fallen off my wall and a smoke detector is hanging by a precarious thread, threatening to hit me on the head in one of my mad dashes up the stairs to the restroom, which will result in one or both of the following: 1) a fall back down the stairs and/or 2) me pissing myself. Nice, eh? I also realized last night that my bed and nightstands have shifted noticeably and now stand at some kind of crazy 45 degree angle from the wall they were so equally balanced against.

Oh and at 6:22 a.m. this morning when I was so rudely jarred awake by the sound of Apocolypse Now (in the form of my roof caving in)? Yeah, I really hated them then.

I cannot express how much I wanted to remove the kazillion foot ladder (their only way up and down to the roof) this morning when I left for work. I wanted to kick it over and watch it land on the ground, all loud and long, and look up at the rooftop where the sweaty, noisy, asshole workers would be looking down at the crazy, hysterical-with-laughter girl below.

Screw you, roofer people.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The roofing sounds are enough to DRIVE ANYONE INSANE ,,,, BUT the real a holes are the owners / landlords who give them free reign to work however early and late that they want. like EVERYTHING else , it's about their pocketbook. NO consideration for the tenants who literally pay their salaries. AND .... IF WE HAVE A PARTY OR LOUD MUSIC .... we get threatened with eviction ! Laws in this political climate favor only those who HAVE !!! In my personal situation , I have been assaulted by this madness for two weeks ; a job that I was told would take 3 days !!! called sheriff ... he spoke like an 3rd grader ....' ' uh .... nuthin we can do " there's a SURPRISE ! Enough ranting, i'm going to NOW commit murder ...

Anonymous said...

The do your damn roof yourself you know what its like to roof on a hot day, imagine laying on blactop on a 100 degree day rubbing sand paper all over your body and try carrying a 50 pound floppy bundle of equally hot shingles 8 hours a day for years then see if you give a shit about whos house it is or whos paying you